Tuesday 3 June 2014


Suffolk Puffs are a fabric manipulation technique that I first learnt studying textiles at school and is one that I still love using now. I tend to use them in some way in everyone of my projects because I find it produces a simple and sophisticated texture. It is produced by cutting a circle from a fabric, then straight hand stitching around the edges. When the whole outer circle has been stitched, it is then pulled tight which allows the circle to fold in on itself. This produces beautiful effects, and is different every time, depending on the size of the circle and size and spacing of the stitches.

So much can then be done to develop this technique further. The example above shows the Suffolk Puffs being stitched down around the edges onto fabric, and slotting into each other, like a jigsaw effect. I have then added two styles of beads for extra texture and colour.

A previous project I used the same technique but without stitching them down flat. Instead I allowed them to fall where they wanted, giving a scrunched look.

There is so much you can do with this technique and you will probably be seeing it again soon on Textured.

Until next time

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